3D Printed Houses: Is This the Future of Affordable Home Building? Jarett Gross

Are 3D printed homes the future of the housing industry? Will this revolutionize the construction industry and bring down the cost of housing? That's what we're going to find out today with Jason Hartman and construction tech correspondent Jarret Gross.

There are now 305 registered companies around the world working in the field of automated construction who are aiming to fill the long term demand to replace human labor on job sites. But is this technology actually making construction cheaper yet? Are 3D printed homes a viable solution to the world’s housing shortage? What are the challenges this industry faces as it moves forward?

0:00 Welcome Jarett Gross, Construction Tech Correspondent

1:10 Are 3D printed homes the future of housing?

2:07 There are now 305 companies on the list of automated construction firms around the world

4:13 3D printing is still largely a human effort

6:16 Will we be able to build less expensive homes with 3D printing technology?

7:26 Concrete vs conventional construction and materials

9:08 Creating custom designs

12:05 What is holding the industry back?

14:38 3D printed house vs a traditional house

16:41 Florida construction company comparing 3D printers

18:39 Drywall and interior finishes

20:14 The design possibilities are endless, but the future is still unclear

22:28 Sand shortages

23:35 Drone construction

25:19 Will Tesla get into housing?

27:43 Get the latest on 3D Printed houses with Jarett on YouTube and at and check out his podcast with top CEOs in the 3D printed homes industry!

Get the latest from Jason!

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